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Yr 10 'Dragons Den'

Our annual 'Dragons Den' pitch took place this week with members of pwc
[Price Waterhouse Cooper] management coming along to make up the judging panel.
Our Year 10s have spent the last few weeks creating their brands, researching the market and developing their teamwork skills in order to battle it out and become the best team.

The day was a huge success and pwc representatives were very complementary to our pupils.  We had all sorts of products and services taking starring roles in each pitch; from Kebab Vans to Sunglasses.  I am so proud of our pupils and genuinely enjoyed seeing every team pitch.

Our winners were announced at the Year 10 morning Assembly:

 First place:  Power Lounge
 Second place:  Aqua-Fast
 Joint Third place:  Admit Nothing; Solar Sunglasses; Weekend Warrior

A final certificate went to 'best person to pitch':  Corey K

Congratulations to all who took part.

Mrs H Sullivan
[Head of Welsh Baccalaureate Faculty]
April 2019