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GSO Test


The evening of Monday, 30 September 2019 saw Afon Tâf host its annual Prize-giving ceremony.  The weather may have been grey, miserable and wet outside, but a warm glow emanated from within the School building as excited and well-deserving pupils received awards, watched by peers, staff and proud family members.

The evening was opened with heartfelt addresses from Headteacher, Mr Stuart James, and Chair of Governors, Mrs Rosa Lazell.  ‘MC’ duties for the evening fell to Deputy Headteacher, Mr Stephen Baber.

There were presentations to pupils from all Year Groups, and across all subject areas. Pupils who attained 100% attendance and improved attendance records were also recognised.

The evening was punctuated by a number of musical intermissions, including solos from Kelsey, Ella, Megan and Shannon, complemented by the School Choir under the direction of Mr Alex Coombes, Head of Music ably supported by Megan and Shannon from Year 11.

The School was thrilled to welcome guest speakers: Mr John Radford and 64-cap, Welsh International Rugby Union Lock, Mr Ian Gough, representing Educational Staffing Solutions [ESS Ltd.] and Mr Gary Lockwood, Head of Manufacturing & Planning, General Dynamics [UK].  All handed out their own bespoke awards to a selection of deserving pupils.  Afon Tâf is justifiably proud and grateful for the continued support of both businesses.

Congratulations to all who played their part in making the evening immensely worthwhile, successful and enjoyable.  We look forward to your support at the next event - whatever that may be.

Editor note to self:  Award for ‘Best-dressed Male of the Evening’  - Mr Trew!