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Deputy Youth Mayor Elections

Every year the Merthyr Tydfil Borough-Wide Youth Forum (MTBWYF) elects a Deputy Youth Mayor.  The previous Deputy automatically assumes the office of Youth Mayor.
As part of this year's electoral procedure, every pupil at Afon Tâf cast a single vote to choose Merthyr's next Deputy Youth Mayor.

The selection process, held at the School on Monday, 21 October, 2019, was overseen by representatives from the Local Authority and Safer Merthyr Tydfil (SMT).  The current Youth Mayor, Krystian, was also in attendance, as was, Childrens Champion, Councillor Chris Davies. Our thanks go to them.

We extend best wishes to Afon Tâf pupils, Cari [Year 10] and Daniel [Year 8], both  of whom, are hoping to amass enough of their peers votes, to become the next Deputy Youth Mayor.

Thanks also, to Mr Cooksley, who orchestrated the comings and goings of staff and pupils, counting them in and out of the 'Polling Station' throughout the morning.

Diolch i chi gyd!