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What is e-Safety?

e-Safety encompasses not only Internet technologies but also electronic communications via mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology.

The World Wide Web, email, blogs and social networks all allow us to communicate.
Anyone can send messages, discuss ideas and publish material with little restriction. These features of the Internet make it an invaluable resource used by millions of people every day.
It is a priority that we protect our young people in the digital world to ensure they feel safe when using technology.

What do we do at Afon Tâf?
At Afon Tâf, we take e-safety very serious. Pupils have e-safety built into their learning through the ICT and Personal Development program of study. Our aim is to raise awareness of the dangers of using technology as well as promoting safe and responsible use by our young people.

What can parents and guardians do?
Your role as a parent or carer is extremely important. However, we understand that the technological world can be a very confusing place. As a result, we've put together this site to help raise awareness of the importance of e-safety.

Here's some of the latest advice and guidance provided by South Wales Police and Merthyr Tydfil Local Education Authority with regard to indecent images and online safety:

Steering Clear of Indecent Images
Online Child Safety flyer

Instagram fact sheet
Snap Chat fact sheet
TikTok fact sheet
Catfishing fact sheet