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GSO Test


Teacher-in-charge of Drama
Miss A Jones

Brief introduction to subject
The Drama department at Afon Tâf is currently being reinvented in line with the new curriculum for Wales. The Drama department aims to develop pupils' confidence, speaking skills, emotional skills and teamwork to name a few. Drama education is useful in a range of situations as the pupils are taught essential skills that will enable them to thrive in the twenty-first century. Learners will be given the opportunity to appreciate and understand the diversity within Wales and the wider world which can provide young people with the right skills to respect and understand cultural differences. From this experience, learners will be supported in becoming ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the wider world. Our Drama department aims to nurture the works of young people and encourage them to appreciate their own and others creative talents. The goal is to develop a safe classroom environment where learners are encouraged to explore, refine and communicate their ideas whilst also thinking critically and engaging their imagination.

In KS3 Drama we cover a range of topics which aim to enhance pupils' subject knowledge and awaken their imagination and creativity. We aim to educate children through the use of dramatic techniques which will allow them to gain a deeper understanding and explore topics/issues practically and emotionally.

Drama - Year 7

At the moment, pupils are studying Identity, Community and Wales. When looking at Identity pupils explore their own Identity whilst also becoming aware of each other's differences. We explore this practically and learn to accept the diversity within the world. Pupils will be asked to respond to poems, songs and images to create an educational theatre piece. Our Community topic is based upon the Aberfan Disaster, pupils will learn about the history of the community through a drama lens. Looking at this topic will enhance pupils' emotional skills as they develop an emotional response to the tragedy. Finally, our topic of ‘Wales’ will focus on the works of Roald Dahl and pupils will explore the many characters created by Dahl and will also look at the musical ‘Matilda’.

Drama - Year 8

Topics covered are Conflict, Awe and Wonder and the Creative Industry. Our approach to Conflict will be looking at WW2 and particularly focusing on Anne Frank. Pupils will further develop their emotional responses to tragedy and will have the chance to explore their responses practically as they step inside the shoes of a Jewish person during WW2. Awe and Wonder will focus on storytelling where pupils will be required to create a fictional story and perform it. Lastly, the Creative Industry topic will focus on the many roles within the industry. This topic will run in line with the other Expressive Arts teachers. In Drama we will focus on a production of a musical (The Lion King) and the different roles involved within a stage production.

Drama - Year 9

Pupils will be given an insight into the Drama course offered at GCSE. Their first topic will be on-script work where they will study and perform a short play by National Theatre. Next, the pupils will be set a devising assessment where they will respond to a stimulus to create a Theatre in Education piece to be shown to Year 5&6 pupils. Lastly, the pupils will start to look at the written side of GCSE Drama and will be required to watch and review live theatre performances.


Pupils’ progress is assessed termly and is graded based on their creative skills, performance skills and their responses to theatre. These assessments consist of both practical and written work.

As well as our timetabled lessons, the Drama Department works closely with the music department to put on school musicals and events throughout the year as part of the extra-curricular timetable.